Dear System Pavers,
You've heard me talking about how System Pavers just installed artificial turf in the front yard at the Persian Palace.
For years, I've been enjoying their artificial turf in my backyard, but the FRONT yard was always a pain with natural grass. Now, as much as I like natural grass, maintenance has always been a drag, and the gardener NEVER got it right! So we decided to put in artificial turf in the front yard as well, and it looks spectacular!
Now I have a great looking front yard AND backyard, and I don't have to worry about any of it! Plus, I'm doing my part to help save water during California's severe drought. My kids are especially thankful because I required them to take three minute showers in order to save water, and now that we have the turf in the front, they can take normal showers again because I'm not using that water for the grass!
It's important that our neighborhood look as good as it can. When we went to build our home, we had to go in front of our HOA's architectural board several times prior to placing even one stone! They're fanatical about this stuff. So I was dreading having to go through 'the permission process' again, but we had no choice but to get their OK before we installed the turf in the front yard.
I had to meet with the President of the HOA, and when I asked him whether I needed to go in front of the entire board to present our request and get permission to install the turf, he took one look at the photos and sample and said, "Are you kidding? This turf looks terrific! It's ten times better than the REAL grass you had before. Don't worry about going in front of the entire board; I'll tell you right now 'Permission Granted!'"
The fact that he approved the turf so quickly and was so excited about it, says so much about what System Pavers has to offer.
Now, all my neighbors are envious of my turf. And I love screaming at them, "Get off my turf!"
Oh, and don't worry, our gardener still has a job and he's pretty happy because we're still paying him the same, and he just has to focus on our hillside, which he does (badly, I might add!)
So on behalf of myself, my kids and my gardener, thank you System Pavers!
Bill H.